• Hi, I'm Richa Jindal.
    Energy Alchemist

    Uncover the Secret
    of Successful Life!

  • Know How To

    Connect Your Goal
    To Your Soul

Dare To Bare

The Thought’s is the most powerful tool if you know how to utilise it.

Thoughts are more about healing how the mind discharges the energy, & releases to create & let GO to create a NEW POWER within YOURSELF.

But What is thought?
Thought is a power of the mind. Thought is the driving force behind each and every word spoken by us voluntarily or involuntarily.

In simpler words,A Thought means talking to yourself. Whatever you think and believe deeply have chances of happening more.Actually its not thought that matters more but Thinking & attaching the EMOTION to that thought which gives it the energy & POWER.

A thought can keep you in your current reality or take you to the NEW REALITY you want to create.

A thought is becomes more powerful with the alchemy of the right EMOTION attached ti it.

A human brain has 70,000 thoughts in a day on average 2100-3000 thoughts in an hour. Out of them 80 % of Thoughts Are Negative…95 % are repetitive.

Did YOU know you gave so much NEGATIVE power to your BRAIN?

I think we never even give it a thought on how much ENERGY we loose in the entire DAY on all those thoughts & limiting believes the FEAR causes within US.

It is like working against once own self & spending our own ENERGY in becoming LIMITED.

It is like, beading the thread of each thought with the next thought evidencing it with EMOTION to bloom it to a bigger flower.

The mind acts like a chameleon, which has colours. When the chameleon is in fear/ danger it changes/ adapts the colour of the environment. This makes it invisible & adaptive but at the same time the possibility standing out from your belief system DIMINISHES.

So does fear, it also changes many colours/ faces trying to protect you from the unknown.

It gives False Evidence which Appears Real to the BRAIN. Your brain receipts & reacts on evidence & also collects pieces of evidence to support the thought.

Did you know only 4% out of US become leaders/ achievers?


The rest 96% of us have a negative default programming that is hard-wired into our entire being. So we remove the option of being LIMITLESS.

Thoughts are more about healing how the mind discharges the energy, & releases to create & let GO to create a NEW POWER within YOURSELF.

But What is thought?

Thought is a power of the mind. Thought is the driving force behind each and every word spoken by us voluntarily or involuntarily.

In simpler words,A Thought means talking to yourself. 

Whatever you think and believe deeply have chances of happening more. Actually its not thought that matters more but Thinking & attaching the EMOTION to that thought which gives it the energy & POWER.

Today I invite YOU to change your current reality to the REALITY YOU WANT TO BE.

